Start your own FM station.
Broadcast Stereo FM from any audio source, computer sound output, laptop, MP3 player, iPad, iPod, tape, CD player, stereo, PA system, internet streaming radio, etc.
Great for drive by Christmas music with your light show, hearing impaired, baby monitor, private TV listening, or as a sound system range extender!
Transmit different languages with separate transmitters on different channels!
Uses limited only by your imagination.
If you enjoy WiFi 92 FM, join the network! Just select this website to play audio and use your computer audio output connected to the line input of this transmitter or connect the line output of an internet radio such as the internet radio Sangean WFR-20 (see article below) to the line input of the transmitter.
Low power model for local use also available!
Silver, black, or grey.
Just left click on Amazon Links with pictures of the transmitters located in the right column for more information. >